Fimmtudaginn 4.apríl kl. 12:10 heldur Martín Avila erindið "Design Ecologies" í fyrirlestrarröð hönnunar - og arkitektúrdeildar Listaháskóla Ísland, GESTAGANGI í Þverholti 11, fyrirlestrarsal A.
Fyrirlesturinn verður haldinn á ensku og eru allir velkomnir. Nánari upplýsingar á ensku hér að neðan:
Martín Avila is PhD in design and works as a Senior Lecturer at Konstfack in Stockholm, where he teaches at the Master in Experience Design, as well as at the department of Industrial Design, where he is responsible for the subject of design for sustainable development.
Gregory Bateson once wrote, “there is an ecology of bad ideas, just as there is an ecology of weeds”. In the Design Ecologies lecture design projects will be presented to explore linguistic aspects that might influence ecologies of ideas, as well as biological notions that help us understand ecologies of living and nonliving systems.