Hollenski myndlistarmaðurinn og hönnuðurinn Beer van Geer heldur fyrirlesturinn MAKING THE INVISIBLE VISIBLE í Opna listaháskólanum miðvikudaginn 1. desember kl.12:05, Skipholti 1, stofu 113.
Making the invisible visible
Combining elements of computer technology, theory, narrative and visual art, Beer van Geer (b.1987) designs systems to explore and explain the human world. His projects range from building interactive video guiding installations to experimental brainwave interfaces. In 2009 he finished his Masters in the Art of Digital Media Design and he is now working as a freelancer under the name Universal-Mediaman, binding all kinds of media to generate new intuitive systems and visual art. Besides working for his one-man company Universal-Mediaman he is active in the new media collective Teletekst is Dood and art institutions like <TAG> & TodaysArt, all based in Holland.
The lecture “making the invisible visible” is telling a story about one of his latest projects called project Dagaz. Dagaz is an application that helps the Mindset (a neurofeedback device) user to train their meditation level through a new intuitive game experience. The application makes use of mandala shapes, generated by the user’s mind. Mandala shapes are symmetrical shapes used in many cultures and almost every religion. The shapes are used for different purposes, for example as a meditation tool, part of religious architecture, and even as a therapeutic tool for mentally disabled or mentally ill. Every mandala is created around a central point. Dagaz (which means ‘point’ in the ancient Futhark alphabet) uses that central point to help users train their meditation skills.