Grafíski hönnuðurinn Jeff Ramsey heldur fyrirlestur í Opna Listaháskólanum nk. miðvikudag 14. apríl kl.12:05 í Skipholti 1, stofu 113.
Jeff Ramsey tók MFA gráðu sína í grafískri hönnun í frá Werkplaat Typografie í Arnhem í Hollandi árið 2006. Hann býr í Brooklyn í New York og vinnur þar að verkefnum bæði í list og arkitektúr á litlu skrifborði sínu í heimastofu sinni. Hægt er að nálgast meiri upplýsingar um Jeff á heimasíðu hans
Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og eru allir velkomnir.
Jeff Ramsey received his MFA in graphic design from the Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem NL in 2006. He lives in Brooklyn, NY and concentrates on projects for clients in art and architecture from a small work table in his living room.
More information is available on
"My problem is rather to attain, I don’t say to the truth (why should I know that any better than anyone else, and by what right therefore would I open my mouth?), nor do I say validity (that’s a problem between words and me), but rather sincerity. This isn’t a question of morality but of practice. It’s not the only question I put to myself no doubt, but I fancy it’s the only one that has proved more or less permanently crucial for me." —Georges Perec
What does a sincere voice look like?
How does one typeset sincerity?
What typeface does one use?
Please join Jeff while he thinks outloud about his work.