Corinna Dean arkitekt heldur fyrirlesturinn List | rými í borg ||
arkitektúr og almenningsrými, í Opna listaháskólanum
27. janúar 2010 kl.12.10 í Skipholti 1, stofu 113.
Víða um heim er algengt að tefla fram uppbyggingu menningarstofnana sem hvata til endurvæðingar byggðar og ennfremur til að koma borgum á framfæri sem mikilvægra menningarvettvanga í alþjóðlegu samhengi.
Corinna Dean fjallar um hvernig Tate Modern hefur haft áhrif á umhverfi suðurbakkans í London og hvernig safnið hefur orðið hvati að uppvæðingu þessa hverfis og jafnframt orðið til að styðja ímynd London sem heimsborgar á sviðum lista. Hún mun einnig fjalla um hvernig ný opinber almenningsrými í borg hafa þróast fyrir milligöngu listastofnana og hvaða þýðingu það hefur haft fyrir skilgreiningu á almenningsrýmum í London. Corinna Dean stundar rannsóknir við Cities programme við London School of Economics í London og kemur sem gestakennari til Íslands að vinna með 3. árs arkitektanemum að lokavekerkefni þeirra um listrými í borg.
Fyrirlesturinn fer fram á ensku og eru allir velkomnir
"The use of cultural institutions as regeneration tools within the wider agenda to promote cities of culture is wide spread, Corinna will examine the effect of Tate Modern as an urban catalyst on the Bankside area of London, and how the institution has been used to promote London as a world class city. She will also discuss how a new form of public space has been created as mediated through an art institution and what this means in terms of a new definition of public space for London."
Name: Corinna Dean
PHD @ Cities programme at the London School of Economics
Title/Topic: Establishing Tate Modern cultural quarter: regeneration through art and architecture
Research interests: architecture, urbanism, cultural studies, visual studies
Funder: AHRC Collaborative Doctoral Award
Background: Corinna obtained a Degree in History of Design and then went on to do a BA Hons in Architecture at The University of Westminster and a postgraduate diploma at the Bartlett School of Arch, UCL. She practiced in Berlin and the South of Germany working on various scales of architectural projects. Corinna has contributed to a number of exhibitions exploring ideas of authorship and institutions of display such as, Open Urban Picnic, Outpost and Roadworks curated by Fat and she curated and designed, The Interchange Experience, an exhibition that explored future modes of integrated transport and urbanism with Emap. She worked at the Architecture Foundation (1997 -1999) on various projects and publications such as the Roadshow, a project to regenerate interstitial urban sites. Corinna has been a visiting lecturer to the Critical and Historical Studies Department at the Royal College of Arts and held the position as Programme Director of the Interior Architecture Department at the University of Kent, Kent School of Architecture, until 2007.
The lecture is in english and is open to the public.