Dagskrá HönnunarMars 2010 | Leir- og textílhönnun

Hrönn | 20 ár í textíl

Café Loki, Lokastíg 28, beint á móti Hallgrímskirkju, 101 Reykjavík
18.03 - 21.03

Hrönn Vilhelmsdóttir textílhönnuður hefur hannað og framleitt sængurver ofl. fyrir þúsundir íslenskra barna og foreldra þeirra í 20 ár. Mikil þróun hefur átt sér stað þótt sterk einkenni hönnuðar hafi komið snemma fram. Á vinnustofunni verður hægt að sjá hvernig hlutirnir verða til. www.textil.is

The textile designer Hrönn Vilhelmsdóttir has for 20 years designed a wide collection of bed linen for children and adults.  At her studio and at the same place her café, Café Loki, in front of Hallgrímskirkja she has an exhibition of her former works among her newest products. Her admirers at all ages can now she how the collection has changed trough the years, even though strong characteristics are in her paintings.  Hrönn has developed her own style and forms which are unique.  At her studio on 2nd floor at Café Loki you can enjoy the hand painted collection. www.textil.is
