Dagskrá HönnunarMars 2010 | Fatahönnun

Emami | Kennslustund

Laugavegur 66, 101 Reykjavík
11:00 - 18:00

Hugmyndin að EMAMI kviknaði á löngum ferðalögum systranna Steinunnar og Unnar Eddu Garðarsdætra. Um er að ræða flíkur sem hægt er að umbreyta á marga vegu. Í tilefni af HönnunarMars heldur EMAMI sérstakan kennsludag þar sem kennt verður á allar flíkurnar.

Við sama tækifæri verður ný lína kynnt.

EMAMI can be rooted back to the long travels of the sisters Steinunn and Unnur Edda Gardarsdottir around the globe. The very creative sisters, inspired by native fashion and tired of carrying heavy backpacks started to create multifunctional clothes from simply cut textile. The pleasure of being able to create many different looks from a single garment was the motivation behind the establishment of EMAMI in 2008, a design brand which focuses mainly on the creation of multifunctional clothing. The sisters work hand in hand with their spouses, Brynjar Ingolfsson, managing director and Atli Mar Hafsteinsson, photographer and together they create everything from clothes to advertisments to sales. Now two years later this avant-garde theme is as popular as ever and EMAMI’s designs are sold in 140 stores in 29 countries. EMAMI introduces two multifunctional collections annually.
