Paul Bennett | IDEO | Design thinking

27.03 kl.13:00 | Háskólatorg, salur HT 102, Háskóli Íslands, Sæmundargötu 2, 101 Reykjavík

Paul Bennett, einn af eigendum IDEO og starfandi hönnunarstjóri hjá fyrirtækinu, heldur fyrirlestur á Háskólatorgi, undir yfirskriftinni Design thinking

IDEO er eitt af öflugustu sköpunarfyrirtækjum í heiminum í dag. Fyrirtækið er eitt hið virtasta á sínu sviði og var valið eitt af fimm framsæknustu fyrirtækjum í heiminum árið 2008 og var þar í hópi með Google, Apple, GE og Facebook. IDEO hefur á seinni árum lagt aukna áherslu á NGO og verkefni tengd stjórnsýslu.

Stjórnendur IDEO hafa sýnt ástandinu á Íslandi mikinn áhuga og vilja athuga hvort þau geta notað sýna reynslu og þekkingu til þess að koma auga á tækifæri og finna lausnir. Til að mynda er á áberandi linkur á facebook síðu "How can we all helpIceland get out of its economic meltdown" og sú síða hefur fengið mörg hundruð athugasemdir.

Aðferðir IDEO þar sem sett eru saman þverfagleg teymi til þess að vinna að stefnumótun, vöruþróun eða lausnar vandamála eru mjög áhugaverðar og hafa vakið athygli á heimsvísu.

Þessi áhugi IDEO á Íslandi er að hluta að þakka Svövu Maríu Atladóttur, sem er starfsmaður IDEO í Kaliforníu.  Hún og Paul Bennett verða bæði á Íslandi 25. til 31. mars, og hafa áhuga á að miðla reynslu sinni og þekkingu í samræðum.

Paul Bennett á

Paul Bennett

Paul Bennett is Managing Partner, Europe and Chief Creative Officer of IDEO, a world leader in human-centred and design-led innovation. Clients include Procter & Gamble, Nokia, Intel, Oxfam, Nestlé, Numico, PepsiCo and Vodafone. Nominated by business leaders globally as one of the world’s most innovative companies, IDEO employs over 500 staff in eight locations worldwide.

Paul has worn many hats at IDEO; he has created the company’s largest global practice, Consumer Experience Design, managed the San Francisco and London locations, helped establish IDEO’s presence in China, and founded and led the New York office. In June 2008, Paul moved from New York to London to assume a new and additional European role. He will work with clients, partners and colleagues to bring to market consumer-centric, commercially successful, socially significant new businesses, products, services and experiences. He will continue to be responsible for content excellence across IDEO, develop and publish new thinking in the field of human-centred and design-led innovation.

Paul is a sought-after spokesperson, writer and speaker. He is an ambassador of the C&binet, a not-for-profit network, founded by the UK government, to link the international creative and business communities, demonstrate the economic power of creativity and help shape the world’s creative economy. His thought leadership has been featured in The Guardian, Wall Street Journal, Sunday Times, Business Week, Fast Company, BBC Radio 4, Marketing Week, Brand Week, Ad Age, blogs and websites. He is regularly invited to speak at events including high profile forums as The World Economic Forum, TED Global, The AOL CEO Conference, American Express Luxury Summit and Tokyo Midtown Opening. A keen educator, Paul has taught and coached students from FIT’s (Fashion Institute of Technology, New York) Executive Beauty and Fragrance Marketing programme and Capstone Project; Columbia Business School; Stanford University; and the Royal College of Art.

Prior to joining IDEO in 2001, Paul co-founded the pioneering brand design business, nickandpaul, in New York, where his clients included Coca-Cola, Ford, Johnson & Johnson and Unilever.

IDEO is a world leader in the human-centred design of products, services and environments. Having developed thousands of projects for clients in many different industries, IDEO defines and develops new futures for industry leaders and start-ups alike. IDEO has won more design awards than any other company of its kind and employs more than 500 people in offices in North America, Europe and China.